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Are You Stuck?


When you face major decisions and changes in life, whether they are good or bad, we often get "stuck". Taking a new job, getting married, experiencing divorce, or struggling through a loss can be overwhelming. A life coach can offer you sound, unbiased guidance. While friends and family can provide advice and listen to you vent, a life coach will help you determine what really matters to you in an honest way and deconstruct the “what ifs” and other inner voices you’re experiencing as you consider next steps in your life. A coach can help you work through what you’re hung up on and give you strategic guidance on how to move forward.


Do You Need Help Taking Action or Creating Vision? 


Think about your current status in your professional or personal life. Do you feel that you’ve missed out on opportunities because you’re afraid to take action? If your confidence isn’t where it should be or you are having trouble charting a course because you’re too close to your problems to see the next steps, an life coach can help you find clarity and guide you to a more proactive path. The many “shoulds” that you encounter every day can cloud your judgment, and a life coach can make it easier to understand what you really want and help you figure out how to get it. They can also help you assess risks and assert yourself wisely, which boosts your confidence as you practice such important life skills.


Do You Have Limiting Beliefs Holding You Back?


What untrue ideas do you hold about yourself? Do you consistently tell yourself that you’re not good enough to accomplish your goals? We all have battle scars, but some of us have trouble letting go of past experiences that limit and prevent us from moving forward in life. Holding on to terrible memories and feelings is both exhausting and counterproductive, a coach can help you process your old beliefs in ways that allow you to work past counterproductive patterns, get more done and move forward – instead of dwelling on the past.


Do You Have Goals, But Lack Vision?


Maybe you have a goal, like starting a business, but you lack a clear vision that will help you make that vision a reality. A coach is an expert who can help you clarify your goals. Through comprehensive goal-setting and examining your current operations, a life coach will help you hone in on what you truly want, and help you cut down on efforts that aren’t helping your objective.


Do You Have a Vision, But Lack a Plan?


If formulating a clear vision isn’t your issue but creating an action plan to execute it is, your coach is your go-to resource. Coaches are trained to know proven strategies for success and frameworks that get results. Your coach has used these methods in their own life to achieve success, and so can you. Don’t let your idea fall by the wayside due to lack of organization!


Have You Lost Momentum?


Are you still searching for your career path 10 years out of school? Feeling unfulfilled at work or in your relationship? Just unsure about what you wish you were doing, even though you know it’s not what you’re doing right now? You’re not alone. If you’re thinking, “I need help with life,” it’s probably time to find a life coach who can help you clarify your values so you can set meaningful goals for yourself and create an actionable plan. Your life coach can help you achieve the most fulfilling thing of all – progress. While success takes work, dedication and time, a coach not only helps you set goals and make an action plan but also consistently provides a supportive tip, tool or strategy as you make progress.


You Have Habits That Keep You From Growing?


If you know what you want but are having trouble acting in ways that get you there, a life coach can help you make better decisions and cut out self-destructive behaviors. If you’re ready to break out of old patterns, a great life coach can help you overcome setbacks and achieve new growth.


You Struggle Getting It All Done


You already know that putting off until tomorrow what you need to do today isn’t going to get you anywhere, but sometimes you need help staying on task and breaking through counterproductive patterns established in the past. A life coach is perfect for helping you learn to do just that. They’ll teach you valuable time management skills and how to create time targets.



You’re Facing Major Transition


If you’re about to change jobs, move to a new city or get out of a relationship, it’s a great time to work with a life coach. You don’t want to burn out your family and friends with discussions about your upcoming life changes, and you want to make your transition as easy as you can. You also want to begin new chapters in your life on your own terms, but if you don’t know what those are, you’ll need help clarifying them.


You Are Ready to Step Out of Your Comfort Zone?


Do you find that you’ve stopped progressing and are merely existing in your current state? If you’re getting a little too comfortable with your routine, it may be time to step out of your comfort zone. You need just "20 seconds of Courage" and a life coach can help you challenge yourself to learn, grow, have fun and take action in exciting new ways.


You Are Ready to Face Some BIG Challenges


Everyone is intimidated from time to time by challenges in their lives. If fear is ever holding you back, take action and learn how to use your beliefs as a force for success. Your coach can help you uncover your "blockers", like fear, and do the work to overcome them. A coach can also help you transform the way you view your blockers and shift your perspective. You will learn how to use "accelerators", instead of focusing on limiting beliefs.


Does Any of This Sound Like You?


If any of these issues are reminiscent of your life right now, you may need a Life Coach. If you decide to work with a coach, you’ll be joining the ranks of some of the world’s most wildly successful people. Any major player in the professional realm knows that the support of high-level consultants and coaches are essential to success, so why shouldn’t you have the same support? The benefits of life coaching will be advantageous in any endeavor you pursue. Are you ready to start working toward the life you dream of?



Are You Ready to Focus on Your Goals, 

Create Balance In Your Life, and 

Achieve Your Dreams?



Schedule your FREE 30-minute Exploration Session today!

Hi Friend!

I look forward to sharing encouragement & inspiration, helping you set goals & overcome obstacles, being your personal cheerleader, and Dreaming Big with you!

 Greatness & Purpose!

Contact Me

Julie Michelle Phillips

 The Epiphany Effect

 Certified Life Coach & Oola Founding Ambassador



Tulsa, Oklahoma, USA

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